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Clinical Testing through Live Wild

Writer's picture: Laura WarrenLaura Warren

Updated: Mar 11, 2023

Sometimes it can be really confusing as to know where to start when it comes to getting your health back on track. Helping take the guess work out of it is a range of scientific, clinical tests that the Live Wild clinic uses.

Using only gold standard functional health testing helps gain a greater understanding of what is happening in your unique body and really takes the guesswork out of what to do to support your personal health.

Combining scientific testing with holistic health and nutrition is what makes the Live Wild service and outcomes so positive for clients.

Obviously not everyone who comes through the Live Wild clinic needs testing; but its a very important option to have available to get to the bottom of a health concern quickly and effectively.

The testing is all outsourced to national or international companies that specialize in the service they offer.

Some of the Common Tests utilized are described briefly below:


These are standard tests (usually blood tests) administered by your GP or doctor. Typically, for these kinds of tests i.e Ferritin, B12, Thyroid panel, HBA1c etc a referral letter is sent to your doctor requesting the specific tests or a script can be given directly to the client to make to Medlab (or the equivalent).


Hormones are chemical compounds present so sparsely in the blood that their concentration is usually measured on the level of a few parts per trillion. Yet they are tremendously powerful in coordinating the actions of our organs and glands – and affecting our quality of life! Steroid hormone imbalance can affect EVERY OTHER BODY SYSTEM and your specific lifestyle choices play a huge role in this outcome.

DUTCH is an acronym and it stands for “dried urine total complete hormones” Its an easy to do test that helps inform a direct plan of action. This test is sent to you at home and has you collecting 4 separate urine samples (using filter paper) over the course of 14 hours, to give you far more actionable data than using a salivary hormone panel.This testing is worldwide gold standard for Hormone profiles and is a excellent option for pinpointing imbalances with sex or adrenal hormones. The options within Dutch testing are as below:

  • D.U.T.C.H - Complete - Comprehensive Hormone Profile

  • D.U.T.C.H - Advanced Adrenal Assessment

  • D.U.T.C.H - Hormone Metabolite Assessment

  • D.U.T.C.H - Cycle Mapping

  • D.U.T.C.H - Cycle mapping + D.U.T.C.H Complete

After a number of changes with out significant result it was the DUTCH test that pinpointed where this client needs specific support. Here's what she said "After more than 12 years of tiredness and fatigue, existing day to day in a haze, trying to drag myself out of bed, being irritable and depressed looking forward only to sleep (which didn’t relieve my tiredness), after trying all types of pharmaceutical prescriptions and remedies, the haze in finally clearing!! My energy is increasing daily, I can think much more clearly, I can handle stress a lot better and feel I finally have a life to really look forward to." - Karla


This is the most comprehensive stool test you can do. I work with an American lab for this test, as no lab in New Zealand will provide results to the level of detail I require.

A collection kit is sent directly to your home and the stool samples are self collected.

The Comprehensive Stool Parasitology Test looks for digestive indicators, pathogens and dysbiosis biota in your digestive system to determine exactly what is driving the client’s gut issues and other immune-related issues. The test results also provides specific information on how to the most effective way to remove the unhealthy pathogens from the client's system and then further advice will be given on how to promote healthy flora for optimal gut and digestive health.

"After spending some time travelling overseas I developed severe gut issues with IBS symptoms and a lot of cramping. After living with a gut like that for 8 months I was exhausted and fearful of food. So grateful to get this test done and have the issue pinpointed straight away. It took about a month but it was a complete turn around and now I'm back to normal so Thank you Laura!"

- Carl Miller


The Alcat Test measures individual responses to foods and other substances at the cellular level and may reveal the underlying trigger of certain symptoms.

Food and chemical sensitivities have been linked to migraines, aching joints, fatigue, gastrointestinal disorders, and other symptoms related to chronic activation of the immune system.

Clinical assessments of the Alcat Test used to guide dietary modification have shown significant improvement in many common symptoms. The efficacy of the Alcat Test has been documented in numerous studies implementing rigorous double blind and often placebo controlled study designs.

The Alcat Test gives results that can help manage conditions linked to inflammation and chronic activation of the immune system.

Once the test results are back a Treatment Plan is tailored to your needs, based on your personal test results and health goals. All recommendations given encompass the holistic health foundations of a wholefood diet, lifestyle and nutritional support. Supporting your long-term health, energy and happiness is paramount!

If you have any queries regarding the testing options above please feel free to comment below or contact Laura on 021506060 or email queries to laura@livewild.co.nz

(The testing options given are not exhaustive)

Please note: Live Wild is not a designated company by insurance providers and as such the services are currently considered outside the usual model of healthcare insurance, at this time reimbursements for tests cannot be given by Live Wild.

All Live Wild testing is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure. These tests are not recommended or intended to replace medical testing, medication or support from your GP or registered health professional. Insights gained into your health through scientific testing methods are designed to measure for normal function, enabling Laura to support you to reach your optimal level of health through the holistic health foundations of diet, lifestyle and nutritional support only.

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