Reader Request: I'm making a real effort to include more healthy options in my kids lunchboxes. I'm a working mum and have 2 kids so feel time is a big issue as to why I end up resorting to packet food a lot. Do you have any ideas that are quick to throw together or even some healthy products from the supermarket that are a better option?
Now this is a reader request I can really relate to - having two kids, working but having the very best intentions to put together a healthy lunchbox for their day at school.
Most parents are time poor and tired by the end of the day and so here are a few of my favourite quick and easy lunch box ideas that don’t take much time to prepare!

Homemade rice sushi (My kids love when I add the Just Blends pitaya and butterfly pea powder to colour the sushi rice)
Chia Pudding
Frittata - Add a few beaten eggs to leftover roast veg and a sprinkling of feta and herbs. Bake till set and cut into wedges.
Chicken Kebabs
Seasonal fruit - I would definitely recommend a shape cutter for fun factor for little ones.
Rice Paper rolls or Nori Wraps: Filled with lots of fresh veggies including avocado and maybe tuna or leftover chicken and my easy healthy satay sauce (2 tbsp almond butter, 1 tsp tamari, 1 tsp honey (optional) and 1/4 cup water mixed together)

(Nori Wraps - the more colourful the better!!)
Homemade seed/nut bars
Boiled eggs with cut up veggies (This can be hit or miss though as my kids seem to eat warm boiled eggs fine but fussy with cold - Moral of the story - choose the option that they will happily eat)
Air popped popcorn with organic butter and sea salt. Add nutritional yeast for a cheesy taste and extra B-Vitamins
Healthy muffins

(Recipe for muffins is on Instagram)
Leftovers from the night before are a better option that a sandwich filled with processed ham and cheese
Smoothie - tell your child to drink for morning tea
Bircher muesli - My daughter loves this. Rolled oats and dessicated coconut soaked in water kefir (do this the night before - in the morning add cinnamon, and yoghurt and berries or kiwifruit)
Cut up veggies (carrots, cucumber, celery) with hummus/tahini
Bliss balls (not everyday as not that great for the teeth)
Brown rice cakes with avocado or almond butter
Homemade Trail Mix – raw nuts, seeds, goji berries etc
Homemade cookies - My kids favourite is A banana blended with an egg and 2 tsp almond butter or tahini till smooth. Add 1/2 cup of rolled oats and 1/2 cup dessicated coconut and 1 tsp cinnamon. I often add 1 TBS Nutraorganic Thriving protein to the mix as it sustains them longer. Add blobs of mixture (should be thick and textured) onto baking paper and bake for roughly 12mins on 180.

Another cookie option (Recipe on Instagram)
At the supermarket for fast food options:
Ceres Organic Kale Chips
Ceres Organic rice crackers and ABC or sunflower seed butter.
Beef Jerky
Biofarm Organic yoghurt and mix with Obb frozen berries and chia seeds
A banana is just as quick as a packet of chips
Tom and Luke Bliss balls are yummy for a every now and then addition.
Can of tuna in springwater or olive oil (make sure its not mixed with soybean oil)
What your children eat on a daily bases affects there health, concentration and ability to learn at school. Making it a priority to do a bake up of healthy cookies, make slight larger portions of meals for leftovers and make sure you have a stock up of lunch box fillers like fresh fruit, olives, nuts, seeds on the weekend. This sets up for a easier week in terms of getting that lunchbox filled with nutrient rich goodies.